L.E.A.D.’s Team Building Blueprint

February is a month that L.E.A.D. (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct) focuses on teamwork. Our bible memory verse is “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 ESV).

Great teams must include great individuals.

Great teams are also launched by crazy missions. L.E.A.D.’s mission to empower an at risk generation to lead and transform their city of Atlanta is pretty crazy. It is no secret that students in the Atlanta Public School System (APS) are underachieving. But, the state of Georgia has benefited from the past success of APS and will soon reap a healthy harvest again. One of our LEADers at Price Middle School wants to create a sport that will be introduced at the 2040 Olympics. That’s crazy!

Great teams are exposed to things that the individuals didn’t know that they needed to know. When I was age 8, I wanted to play for the Chicago Cubs. I was blessed to play for the Cubs but I didn’t know that I could make a six figure salary teaching other people how to make it to the majors also. Some baseball players, even major leaguers need individual coaching to maximize their talent. That’s where I come in as one of the best swing coaches in the industry. I asked our middle school LEADers this question in our recent mentoring session. “If every problem creates an opportunity, what job doesn’t exist now that can exist in 2040 when you create it?” One of our LEADers at King Middle School said that he wants to create a shoe box that cleans your shoes. That’s crazy!

2013 L.E.A.D. Signing Week at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School (APS)

Great teams are advised by leaders that will share their bad news as well as their good news. L.E.A.D. exists because I was convicted of my consistent wrong doing and simply got tired of myself. I realized that until I did what I was supposed to do, I couldn’t help a team. One of your LEADers at Harper-Archer Middle School said that he was tired of talking to much in class, trying to get the wrong type of attention and being a distraction to others. Conviction creates the crossroads for change. -Kelli Stewart, L.E.A.D. Executive Director

2013 L.E.A.D. Signing Week at Harper-Archer Middle School (APS)

Great teams are directed to a place worth going. By 2040, I want the mayor of Atlanta to be a L.E.A.D. Ambassador. Everything that we do as an organization 12 months throughout the year supports this vision of mine for our L.E.A.D. Ambassadors to lead their city to lead the world. Here is a question for you. At the rate that you are going, what will you be doing in 2040?

How the Atlanta snow storm played out for me

Scene 1

Around 6:00AM on Tuesday, January 28th as I was speaking to Kelli, I predicted that if I left this house to take Mackenzi to school in Atlanta and wait to pick her up after 12:00PM, I would be stuck in traffic for hours and severely frustrated.

Scene 2

It’s 6:30AM and I’m driving down I-75 listening to 680 The Fan while taking Mackenzi to school in Atlanta. We live 25+ miles away in Cherokee County. Not much traffic on the highways maybe because snow is predicted in the forecast for Atlanta (sarcasm). Mackenzi has tennis tryouts today and loves school so if the doors are open, she wants to be there.

Scene 3

It’s 10:30AM and Kelli and I are at Harper-Archer Middle School for a mentoring session with our LEADers. We had a great session as we discussed stewardship. Around 11:15AM I received a text alert that Mackenna’s school in Cherokee County was dismissing her at 12:00PM and Mackenzi’s school was dismissing her at 12:30PM. Kelli left to get Mackenna and I went to get Mackenzi.

Scene 4

I’m at Mackenzi’s school picking her up at 12:00PM and we are headed up the road while it is snowing.

Scene 5

It is 1:30PM and we have traveled 10 miles from the school and we are both hungry and needing to use the restroom. Horns are blowing and frustration is mounting. I got off the highway to travel the streets and that was a good idea for a short while. Mackenzi got some good sleep until I was finally able to get into the Dunkin Donuts parking lot. We were able to use the restroom and get food moments before they were closing at 2:00PM for the day. I began to thank God for my blessings in exchange for my complaints. I have my daughter in the car with me and Facebook reports indicate that parents are still looking for their children.

Scene 6

It’s 3:00PM and we have moved less than a mile. I’m considering getting a hotel for the night. It’s that bad. Kelli is on the phone keeping me calm and navigating us. I have a half tank of gas and new tires so God has me prepared for His deliverance.

Scene 7

It’s 4:00PM and we are crossing the bridge on Windy Hill less than 15 miles from my home exit. The sun is going down and the snow is turning to ice. I’m hungry again and hesitant to drink water in the fear that I can’t find a restroom for us. Cars are stuck on the bridge as expected. Kelli is on the phone keeping me calm and navigating us.

Scene 8

It’s 4:30PM and we made it to the Southern Poly exit. I’m aware that there is a Hampton Inn and an Applebee’s right off the exit. My reality right now is that this is where we will sleep and eat for the next 48 hours. I walk in the hotel doors greeted with “we are sold out.” We walk to Applebee’s greeted with a sign on the door that “we are closed due to the weather.” I’m really frustrated now. Doors are closing and I’m feeling hopeless. Trying to stay strong for my daughter. Now I know how Mary and Joseph must have felt. Kelli is contemplating traveling south to be with us but that can prove dangerous.

Scene 9

It’s 5:00PM and I’m stuck like Chuck on 75 next to a Fed Ex truck that is spinning out. Large 18 wheel trucks are pulling over, cars are in ditches, women fixing tires and people walking along the highway and there is nothing but traffic ahead. It seems that my destination is home but I’m worried. Ironically, I purchased a John Maxwell audiobook about Mentoring and I’m beginning to calm down.

Scene 10

I’m listening to John Maxwell and noticing a good yet slow flow of traffic on I-75 south. I want to be moving like that. It’s 5:45PM or so and getting dark. Kenzi is playing a game on her phone and remaining calm. It looks like traffic is being paced heading north because we are at a dead stop and I can’t see any cars moving 1/2 mile ahead around the corner.

Scene 11

It’s a little after 6:00PM and we are moving on this four lane highway in the middle lane, I guess, because I can’t see any lines. At this rate, I am getting home for sure. Seems like God just opened everything up. Seems like my destination is home and this day has been a day to learn how to trust Him. Seems like today was a day of quick decision making. Seems like today was a day that I learned to be calm like my 12 year old daughter. Seems like today was a day that my wife, once again, proved that she has my back no matter what the situation. I LOVE that woman!

Scene 12

I’m off my exit and heading to my house at 6:30PM.

Scene 13

I’m at my house by the Grace of God eating dinner with my family and praying for those that are still on the road or at a hotel or grocery store. This is my story and millions of us have one to share. We must trust in God and be obedient to His plans for us. He closes doors for us so that we can go His way and not ours. He is always protecting us.

God was with us all and may God continue to bless us all. 

Am I Crazy?

There are usually three responses to a vision. It is either “I can see that happening”, “That’s crazy (can happen but not sure how)!” or “That’s impossible!”

Check out this vision that I had this morning and let me know your response.

Recently, a $59-million renovation project to make improvements to the Rice Street jail was completed. The project concluded in late 2009 upon the 20th anniversary of the building. The improvements focused on the buildings.

I was just talking with an Atlanta Policeman this morning and he told me that there are roughly 1,500 inmates at the Rice Street jail in downtown Atlanta.

Rice Street Jail in Atlanta, GA

By 2030, I would like to convert the downtown Atlanta Rice Street Jail into a Youth Development Center for L.E.A.D., Inc. (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct). The location would be perfect allowing us to intentionally serve thousands of families in Atlanta through academics, athletics, civic responsibility and commerce. L.E.A.D.’s mission is to empower an at risk generation to lead and transform their city. Successfully doing so, our L.E.A.D. Ambassadors will lead their city to lead the world.

Can you see this happening?

Is this crazy (can happen but not sure how)?

Is this impossible?

This is what I would want Dr. King to say about me today

Today we celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. across the world.  There is so many great things that can be said about Dr. King. I thank God that he was born and that he served mankind with excellence.

If Dr. King were alive, here are three things that I would want him to say to me.

I would want Dr. King to tell me that I am a good bond-servant for Christ. One thing that I’m 100% positive about in this crazy world is that if I submit to Christ everything will work out for good. Serving others on this place that we call earth requires courage and endurance.

I would want Dr. King to tell me that I am a good steward. I strive to protect my family as well as the youth in our birth city Atlanta.

I would want Dr. King to tell me that I am a good teammate. Anyone that is sincere about bringing positive change to Atlanta is a friend of mine. There is a lot of physical work to do. Dr. King’s dream was clear decades ago and still clear today. Atlanta needs dream catchers rather than new dreams.

Guess what I’m doing right now? I’m serving as a Grand Marshal with my wife and daughters and 29 L.E.A.D. Ambassadors for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. March in Atlanta, GA. #canyoucatch

How the BCS and NFL playoffs are making me a better baseball coach

I’m watching this Packers/49’ers playoff game still upset about the Falcons dismal season. I saw a Facebook post last year that said that F.A.L.C.O.N.S. was an acronym that stands for Fans Always Left Counting On Next Season. I had to regretfully laugh at that one.

We are almost at the end of some amazing BCS games that showcased some of the top college football players in the nation. My wife Kelli and I have enjoyed all the intense games together. I’m predicting that the Seminoles will win the National Championship this year. Who you got?

All of the NFL playoff games have been thrillers as well. I’m hoping that Drew Brees and the Saints lose their swag. Yes I’m a hater!

I’m also a baseball guy that is learning how to coach from the college football and NFL coaches. I’m specifically paying attention to their calm and collective demeanor. These games have high implications and situations that I deem stressful but it doesn’t seem to phase these guys one bit.

I’ve been successfully developing baseball players through my for profit Diamond Directors for 15 years but I personally need to develop more patience as a coach. Crunch time in games cause me to stress which causes my players to stress.

As I make this self assessment, I am reminded that when you properly prepare for success there should be no stress. You can only control what you can control. Even losing the big games in the NFL causes organizations to go back to the drawing board to make the necessary adjustments. The Saints haven’t always played this good.

I have the Seahawks going all the way. Great players but even better coach in Pete Carroll.