Let’s Talk About Race – Day 17


Why should racism end Cedric?

Two reasons racism should not exists today:

Being a minority, I have faced unreasonable discrimination. Racism blocks communities from helping each other which ultimately gives this nation a negative reputation of setting limitations to certain ethic groups. It’s very hard being a black male; I want to surround myself around other ethnic groups, but I always feel a sense of uneasiness because I fear racism will become an issue. Racism demotes a human being, changes their lifestyle and lowers self esteem. I believe we all should be accepted and all expectations should be the same- no matter what the color of someone’s skin.

Cedric Reed, L.E.A.D. Ambassador, New Schools at Carver c/o 2013, Georgia Highlands College

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 16


Why should racism end Patty?

My three reasons why racism should end:

1) Racism goes against everything God intended. And if you’re not a God-follower (either Jewish, Christian or Muslim) then it goes against one of the basic values of society–the value of the individual.

Jesus quoted the Law, Leviticus 19:18, when He said “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” You can’t obey God, you can’t say you love God, and believe that one race is better than another simply because of skin color.

2) Racism wastes time. Time is a great equalizer. I have 24 hours, you have 24 hours and neither one of us knows how many 24 hour periods we’ll have on the earth. With all the pressing needs in the world today – modern day slavery, sex trafficking, abuse of children, lack of clean water, hunger… the list goes on – are we REALLY going to waste time on hate? Because I’ll tell you right now, ain’t nobody got time for that!

3) Racism forgets the individual. We are all unique. To hate or even to “merely” dismiss an entire race of people because of something like color means that you think somehow we are all the same based on our race or gender or things that are outside our own control. Sure, there are stupid people who are white, black, Asian, whatever – but there are wonderful people of all shapes, sizes, colors and genders.

Patty Rasmussen

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 15


Why racism should end Armaan?

1) All men are created equal. There should be no reason to look down upon another person because of their skin color.

2) Racism should end NOW because the younger generations need to understand the importance of treating everybody the same way. Once a person, or generation grows up with one perspective of the world, it’s incredibly hard to change their thought process. But growing up without racist ideas can end racism.

3) There is only one person who can judge another human being; God.

Armaan Painter, 11th grader

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 14


Why should racism end Shota?

Coach CJ, here is why I think racism should end:

I do not want my kids to think that they are unlucky because they look a certain way. I want them to be proud of who they are, and live in a society where others will not judge them based on their looks.

Shota Yasuda, 11th grader, Diamond Directors client

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 13


I find it interesting that most people want to talk about HOW to stop racism rather than WHY we need to stop racism. Although it will take a significant effort to change, learning more about racism and how it affects people, ending the denials about the existence of racism and raising children with nonracist beliefs by discussing ethnic differences and celebrating diversity rather than of trying to teach color-blindness are just some of my ideas of HOW. The WHY is a little simpler, we live in a multicultural society and racism generalizes and divides people unnecessarily. We need to embrace and better appreciate our societal diversity and start talking about ethnicities rather than race.

Scott Prigge, L.E.A.D. Board Chairman