The next John Kincade could be a L.E.A.D. Ambassador

C.J. Stewart: Who did you have the opportunity to be mentored by Wednesday, July 30th?

Ambassador Wesley Clements (Benjamin E. Mays High School): I had the opportunity to be mentored by John Kincade from 680 The Fan.

C.J. Stewart: How would you describe John Kincade with one word?

Ambassador Wesley Clements: Influential.

C.J. Stewart: How do you describe John Kincade’s job?

Ambassador Wesley Clements: I would describe his job as a very creative atmosphere. It is fun but challenging and requires good communication skills.

C.J. Stewart: What are three ways that you and John Kincade connect?

Ambassador Wesley Clements: We connected mentally and we both set plans before we put things in motion. John and I both prefer to arrive to the event/occasion early. We are both able to think on the fly.

C.J. Stewart: After spending time with John Kincade, what are three things that you are now inspired to do?

Ambassador Wesley Clements: Stay in school and receive my college degree. Gain internships with radio stations and become a national radio host.

Wesley prepping for the show with John Kincade and Jonathan Chadwick 
C.J. Stewart: What is your message to Atlanta Public Schools males after spending time at 680 The Fan today?

Ambassador Wesley Clements: Don’t be afraid to be yourself because just by you being you, you can open many doors in your life.

My name is C.J. Stewart and I’m a good Steward

A Steward is a protector or guardian of something. This is a position of honor that everyone on earth is capable of fulfilling.

In order to become a steward you must first be Assessed

Statement: There are good stewards and bad stewards. Good stewards fulfill their role with excellence and bad stewards don’t.

Question: What are 3 things that you are a steward of?

A steward has Intelligence

Statement: Intelligent people acquire and apply knowledge. Intelligent people know right from wrong and when wrong will make the positive adjustment quickly.

Question: What are 3 things that you are most intelligent about?

A steward is Respected

Statement: Respect is a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem.

Question: Think of someone that you respect. What are the top 3 reasons that you respect them?

Camp Grace is the place

Camp Grace is a place to draw to or closer to Christ.

There is a feeling of peace on the entire camp. For me that is important because I need to slow down from being busy and neglecting things and people that are more important than “doing stuff” everyday.

My mission in life that I believe is inspired by Christ is for me to be significant and to serve millions. My for profit business Diamond Directors as well as my charitable organization L.E.A.D. that I operate with my wife Kelli Stewart allows me to fulfill my life mission.

I believe that the only way to hear what Christ instructs us to do is to be in a quiet place and be quiet.

Camp Grace is a place to overcome your fears.

On the property there are so many fearful things for me to do like catching fish, zip lining and riding horses. I’ve gone fishing before with my dad and uncles when I was younger and I never touched the fish because I was scared that they would bite me. Zip lining has always been a non topic for me because I’m afraid of heights. Horses are too big and if I can’t communicate with you it’s hard to deal with you.

I overcame my fear of touching fish this week at Camp Grace and I actually traveled on the zip line and walked 50 feet on a tight rope. I was so physically tired when I was done doing both but mentally and emotionally stronger.

To be an effective leader, your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical tanks can’t be empty. Camp Grace filled me up until we go back in November.

Camp Grace is a place to draw closer to others.

The mission of Camp Grace is to connect with like-minded partners in transforming the lives of under-served youth. Camp Grace strives to strengthen what their urban partners do by providing a high capacity, high quality overnight camp experience coupled with three additional relevant camp events through the year.

L.E.A.D. serves thousands of young men from Atlanta Public Schools directly and indirectly with programming every year. It’s impossible to spend the quality time that we would like to with them while in Atlanta. Camp Grace gives us the time to get to know them in a safe place where we all feel vulnerable to share what’s hurting us as well as what’s empowering us.

In 2013, Kelli and I spent our 15th year wedding anniversary at Camp Grace and I think we are going to make it a tradition.

Thank God for the place that we love called Camp Grace.

Good discipline comes from good character


verb (used with object) [dis·ci·plined, dis·ci·plin·ing.]
1. to train by instruction and exercise; drill.
2. to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.

To become great at anything in life requires discipline. Especially in baseball competition.

Discipline allows you to:

1. make better use of your time.
2. get things done properly.
3. make adjustments when you aren’t getting things done properly.
4. get things done properly and often.

To develop discipline, you must be:

1. aware of its meaning.
2. understand its meaning.
3. aware when you lack it.
4. understand how to apply it quickly.

I try to practice discipline daily by:

1. doing Bible Study for at least 15 minutes before I do anything.
2. speaking to everyone that comes within 10 feet of me.
3. engaged in an intelligent conversation with at least 10 people for 10 minutes. It makes me more intelligent.
4. journaling my thoughts for the day for 15 minutes before I go to sleep.

Ready to lead Atlanta. My R.Y.L.A. experience.

C.J. Stewart: What does RYLA stand for?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Award

C.J. Stewart: What is the mission of Rotary?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: The RYLA program is conducted on the district level by Rotarians to provide young people of their communities an opportunity to take part in developing qualities of leadership and good citizenship.

C.J. Stewart: Describe the trip with one word.

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: Exposure

C.J. Stewart: What surprised you the most about the trip?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: What surprised me the most about the trip was how the campers and counselors were so nice? Everybody got along at camp; it was like no one was ever mad.

C.J. Stewart: Who was the most interesting person that you met on the trip and why?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: The most interesting person I met on the trip was Camper Bull, our speaker. He told us how life growing up was for him. He has made a big influence on me to keep going in life. Camper Bull grew up as a dyslexic kid. A lot of people told him that he would not make it to high school or even graduate. But his mom stuck by his side and they did exercises to help him with his reading.

C.J. Stewart: What was the most interesting thing that you did on the trip and what did you learn from it?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: The most interesting thing I did on the trip was standing out from the crowd as a caring person. I was known as the person to lift up my teammates. I was very happy that I represented the Atlanta West End in a good way at R.Y.L.A.

C.J. Stewart: How was the food on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being terrible?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: The food was a 7 on the scale of 1-10.

C.J. Stewart: Who was the most attractive girl there?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: There were a lot of attractive girls there, but one girl on the purple team (whose name I can’t remember) was the most attractive girl on the trip.

C.J. Stewart: What are the top three leadership skills that you learned while you were there?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: Trust, Loyalty, and Teamwork.

Leadership exercise with Jeremiah at the bottom right
C.J. Stewart: Based on what you learned about RYLA, would you consider becoming a Rotarian? If yes, why would you like to become a Rotarian? If no, why would you not want to become a Rotarian?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: Based on RYLA I can see myself becoming a Rotarian because you are changing lives as a Rotarian. For example the Atlanta West End Rotary Club donated the money so I could attend this camp for free, and it has changed my life.

C.J. Stewart: Would you recommend that your peers attend RYLA? If yes, what are the top three reasons that you recommend it? If no, what are the top three reasons that you don’t recommend it?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: Yes, I recommend that my peers attend RYLA because they would learn so much and would be able to go back to their city and share what they have learned.

1. You will learn how to trust people more.

2. You will meet new people that are awesome.

3. You will have a lot of fun.

C.J. Stewart: How does RYLA help you fulfill L.E.A.D.’s mission of empowering an at risk generation to lead and transform their city of Atlanta?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: RYLA has helped me fulfill L.E.A.D.’s mission because I have been through activities and exercises that have improved my leadership skills and strengthened my core values: Excellence, Humility, Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship, and Teamwork.

C.J. Stewart: How does RYLA help you to be a productive student-athlete at Maynard Jackson High School?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: As a student, RYLA has taught me how to approach and treat my teachers and how to be very responsible in and out of school.

As an athlete, RYLA has taught me how to trust my teammates through thick and thin. They have also taught me to stay committed.

C.J. Stewart: What college would you like to attend and what degree would you like to receive?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: I would like to attend Savannah State University. I would like to receive a degree in Sports and Fitness Management.

C.J. Stewart: What career path would you like to pursue after college?

Ambassador Jeremiah Williams: I have plenty of ideas to pursue after college such as having my own batting cages and having a job that I love (not hate). Whatever I choose, I hope to make it the best for me so I can make a lot of money and give back to my family and L.E.A.D. like they are doing for me now.

Jeremiah is an outfielder and catcher at Maynard Jackson High School, Atlanta Public Schools