Let’s Talk About Race – Day 2


Why should racism end Susan?

Hi CJ,

Racism is a system of oppression which treats people as more or less privileged based on the color of their skin.

I don’t believe in this system.

I don’t believe in oppressing anyone, much less a whole group of people for centuries.

Why is my skin color considered more favorable than yours?

I don’t accept that this inherited system is immutable.

I want to live an anti-racist life.

I want to inhabit a world where people value each human life.

If we talk openly about racism, we can stop oppressing each other, and we can end it.

Thanks for the opportunity to share this.

– Susan

(Susan Grant, Leadership Atlanta)

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 1


Why should racism end John?


This is a tough one for me, because the reasons that racism should end are too numerous to count….

Here is part of the issue — there is a line in one of Yoko’s favorite movies — it says, essentially this, “the greatest trick that the devil has ever played is convincing the world that he doesn’t exist.” Imagine that, there are some people who actually believe that racism no longer exists, thus it is impossible to talk with these people about why it should end. Anyway, here are my three reasons why racism should end:

1) Racism should end because any effort/system to sort humanity on a basis for which humans have no control is arbitrary and contrary to any natural law that suggests we all originate from the same source(s).

2) Racism has persisted through many generations, the current form of this prejudice is only related to and not identical with its form of origin; proof that ignorance is as adaptable as intelligence.

3) Racism should end because I need whoever has the cure for cancer, or the reasoning that indisputably rationalizes world peace to stand up and be heard no matter what his or her skin color is.

I look forward to your posts — good luck with the project.



(John Hammond, Leadership Atlanta Class of 2008)

The Atlanta Hawks – Beyond The Entertainment

Another win for the Atlanta Hawks! That’s 17 in a row!

I am simply mesmerized by the success of the Hawks.

In addition to being entertained, I’m studying their success so that I can maintain effectiveness as the CEO of L.E.A.D. (Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct).

There are three baskets that I feel that the Atlanta Hawks continue to fill and they are culture, standards and accountability.

I’ve asked a few of my close friends to weigh in on the success of the Hawks and help me write this blog.

The Culture

Culture is the the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.

What is the culture of the Atlanta Hawks?

This Hawks team appears to have collectively adopted the mindset that the determined ‘game day’ mission will be accomplished through team work and excellent play! –Lisa Baker

Team!! Team!! Fun!! Unselfish!! –Vaughn Williams, Kennesaw State University Director of Athletics

I think they don’t want to pay guys because they don’t want a superstar. They just want a bunch of role players. They cycle role players in and out. They have no stability. At the end of the day that works and the most important thing is they win! –Dexter Fowler, Chicago Cubs outfielder

I would describe the culture as team focused. They are playing as a team with a mindset of it takes all of us to win. Everyone plays an important part, from the players on the bench to the ones on the court. Everyone has something to contribute. –Katrina Johnson

The Standards

Standard is a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment.

What “must happen” in order to be a member of the Atlanta Hawks team?

The way I see it, in order to truly “be” a part of any “team”, you have to understand that teamwork (at it’s core) is essentially a perfect balance of unselfish personal behavior coupled with an appropriate level of personal ambition/drive. Teamwork makes the dream work….. and the “dream” must be shared by all. –Charlie Finch

You must be cooperative and you must work as a team. There is not just one man on the team. You must be discipline, so that when you are in a tough situation you know how to come out on top. You must have core values and you must always have a positive attitude. You must have your teammates back. You must also know how to deal with adversity and be the best cheerleader when needed. –D’Anthony Morrow, L.E.A.D. Ambassador

You must be the best at what you do, yet humble enough to be a member of the team. –Kevin Young, L.E.A.D. Ambassador Head Coach

Each person must adhere to personal and team core values. Iverson had talent no doubt, but his character wasn’t strong enough to sustain it. Core Values produce character that attracts success. You must be willing to share the glory of winning and the disappointment of defeat. You must be honest about individual strengths and weaknesses so the puzzle of the team can be properly assembled. You must be dedicated to the development of the bench. The bench will be what sustains you when you need a rest or you’re hurt. They should not be forgotten about or thought of as scrubs. –Kelli Stewart, L.E.A.D. Executive Director

The Accountability

Accountability is being subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable.

What “must not happen” in order to remain a member of the Atlanta Hawks team?

They must not become arrogant, complacent, lose hunger and most importantly forget where they come from. – Joseph McCrary, L.E.A.D. Ambassador Alum

They must not violate team rules… on time and good conduct. –Sam Crenshaw, 92.9 The Game

They must not get distracted by the celebratory happenings (events) of the fans. They must not get distracted with the doubters and critics that will doubt the authenticity of the success. They must not allow past success to cause them to be content with the success that is to come. –Minister Tim Sims, Elizabeth Baptist Church

They must not change who there are. They are a blue collar team that meshes well together and just cares about winning. –Brent Shade, Mercer University Assistant Baseball Coach


When winning is difficult

My 13 year old daughter Mackenzi is an amazing tennis player and I am so proud of her. While watching her win here tennis match today, I was giving thought to the process of winning.

Mackenzi with Georgia Tech sophomore Chris Eubanks

We all want to win and winning is difficult.

It is difficult to win when fear is your friend.

Depending on your long term goal, short term losses help you win in the end. Small battles must be won before winning the war.

Mackenzi’s Perspective

If I’m afraid then I’m not allowing myself to be human and make mistakes.

It is difficult to win when your attitude changes like the wind.

The wind is the movement of air. You can’t see it but you can feel it. A bad attitude can be seen and felt and unfortunately it is cancerous when it spreads.

Mackenzi’s Perspective

When my attitude is bad, it usually means that my confidence is low and I’m insecure about one of the parts of my game. But even still, on the bad days, I have to remind myself to keep my head up because nothing good comes from a bad attitude. Ever.

It is difficult to win when you choose to break rather than bend.

When training, I get my clients to a place of discomfort and then build their skills because they are forced to mentally focus more. We can learn to do anything including how to not quit.

Mackenzi’s Perspective

You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Black Youth and The Dabnus Brickey Connection

I recently asked a teen age white male when, if ever, does he get an opportunity to interact with black people. He responded that during community service is the only time that he is able to interact with black people. Meaning, he’s the one serving Blacks who are in need. 
Members of the 2015 Ambassadors ready to serve on L.E.A.D.’s adopted segment
of the Atlanta Beltine at Washington Park on MLK Day. 

I know this young man really well and he is an amazing individual. I believe that the danger with his statement is that he could develop a negative bias towards Black people as he enters adulthood. He could have the mindset that Black people are always in need and can only advance or do better when White people offer help. Without strong core values, bias can turn into racism. Thankfully, this young man has a strong set of core values and a heart for human beings.

But consider the narratives we read everyday that are written by way of statistics as it relates to Black inner-city Atlanta youth:

There are 50,000+ students in Atlanta Public School
80% of those students live at or below the poverty level
80% of Georgia prison inmates are comprised of youth that come from Atlanta zip codes 30310, 30315 and 30318

Ambassadors complete monthly service projects that instill in them a
sense of belonging and investment in their community.

Those stats portray a group of people who don’t have a chance of having a great life, right? I mean, if you had to draft an All-Star team made up of the individuals who these stats speak of, could you draft a winning team?

Absolutely you could! As a matter of fact, I have drafted such a team and I call them Ambassadors. The statistics above are positioned to speak of their futures, but through L.E.A.D., we are helping them create new statistics. Numbers like these: to date, 100% of L.E.A.D. Ambassadors graduate from high school, 95% enroll into college and 92% receive college scholarship opportunities. We are creating new narratives with these new statistics, so we can begin to plant a positive bias in society as it relates to young Black males.

We value things and people by the way they are presented to us. I know with the recent controversy associated with Bill Cosby, folks are trying to steer clear of any associations with him. I am neither judge nor jury on the issues facing Mr. Cosby’s life at this time and I can’t forget the many life lessons that The Cosby Show taught me. One of which has to do with value.

Remember when Vanessa, came home from college and she brought Dabnus home with her? If you recall, she brought him there under false pretenses: he was just a boyfriend from school. The truth finally came out and it was revealed that Dabnus was more than just her boyfriend, he was her fiance. During the “come to Jesus meeting” between Dr. Huxtable and Dabnus, Dr. Huxtable shared that he thought Dabnus could be a porterhouse steak quality of a guy, but the problem was that Vanessa introduced him to the family on a trashcan lid. Now who wants to eat a porterhouse steak, grilled to perfection, off of a trashcan lid? No one.

That’s what’s happening to Black youth in Atlanta and across the country. The stats that are being pounded into our consciousness every day through media and other forms of propaganda are presenting our young men, who have amazing potential, on filthy trashcan lids. Through the Ambassadors, we are working to positively raise the profile of young Black men in Atlanta so that the world can see their true promise – educated, civically-engaged, compassionate youth who will grow up to be excellent citizens, husbands and fathers.

As we search ourselves on this Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, let us ask these questions:

What biases do I have?

How often do I interact with people from other races on a personal level?

Is racism a problem for me?

Do I find it difficult to have conversations about race?

Am I an asset to my neighborhood, city, state, country?
