Understanding baseball’s historic significance

Baseball has been an integral part of Black culture since the game’s inception. This connection has only deepened over the years, rooted in both the struggle for equality and the joy of the game.

Historical Perspective

Baseball’s origins can be traced back to September 1845, when Alexander Joy Cartwright and a group of New York City men founded the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club. Cartwright’s contributions—including codifying a new set of rules—transformed baseball into a faster-paced and more structured game, setting it apart from older bat-and-ball games like cricket.

His innovations, such as the diamond-shaped infield and the three-strike rule, laid the foundation for baseball to become a uniquely American pastime.

Fast forward to Jan. 1, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the height of the Civil War. This landmark decree declared that all enslaved people in the Confederate states were to be freed. But the news of emancipation took more than two years to reach all enslaved people.

For Black men, participating in baseball was more than a pastime—it was a powerful assertion of their Americanness in a society rife with racial discrimination.

It wasn’t until Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, that the enslaved African Americans in Texas learned of their freedom. This day of jubilation and relief is now commemorated as Juneteenth, marked by celebrations of prayer, feasting, song and dance.

During this period, African Americans were also making their mark on the baseball field. Throughout the 1800s, Black amateur teams emerged, such as the Colored Union Club in Brooklyn, New York and the Pythian Club in Philadelphia. By the 1880s, all-Black professional teams like the St. Louis Black Stockings and the Cuban Giants in New York had formed.

Despite the racial segregation that mirrored broader American society, these teams showcased the talent and determination of Black baseball players.

Moses Fleetwood Walker stands out as a pioneering figure in the integration of Black players into professional baseball. After playing at Oberlin College and the University of Michigan, Walker signed with Toledo in 1883. He faced significant racism, notably from players like Cap Anson, a future Hall of Famer and one of the era’s best players but also a staunch racist. Despite the adversity, Walker’s skill and perseverance paved the way for future Black athletes in the sport.

Baseball as a Symbol of American Identity

Baseball, the first sport invented in America, quickly became a symbol of American identity. For Black men, participating in baseball was more than a pastime—it was a powerful assertion of their Americanness in a society rife with racial discrimination. They played not just for the love of the game but to prove their place in the American narrative.

Reflecting on the equipment and conditions of the 19th century, it’s evident how resourceful and dedicated these early players were. They made do with what they had, embodying a commitment and passion that defined the era.

Personal Reflections

My own journey with baseball began at age 8 in 1984 at the Cascade Youth Organization in Southwest Atlanta. I fondly remember watching Chicago Cubs games with my granddad during the day and Braves baseball at night. I would imagine that the kudzu plants at my grandparents’ neighbor’s house were the ivy on the outfield wall at Chicago’s Wrigley Field. Using a stick, I would hit rocks over the kudzu for home runs.

A Challenge for Today’s Hitters

With Juneteenth being celebrated today, June 19th, I want to challenge today’s hitters, who have access to air-conditioned indoor batting facilities and high-tech bats, to find a good sturdy stick and hit 500-1000 rocks for the rest of June. This is old-school commitment and discipline, a tribute to the roots of baseball and the resilience of those who played before us.

Baseball has always been a part of Black culture, from the early days of the game to the present. As we celebrate Juneteenth, let’s honor the legacy of Black baseball players and continue to play with the same passion and dedication that they demonstrated.

For more information, visit L.E.A.D. Center for Youth today.

If you found this inspiring and thought-provoking, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns, add me on Discord and let’s go deeper.

C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an associate scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 22 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and a track record of success that can work for you.

Your guide to getting on the fast track

Summer baseball from May to July marks a crucial phase for my hitters. This period serves as a time for maintenance and application, allowing players to put a period on another learning phase before transitioning to the Assessment Phase, which runs from August to October.

During the summer, teams are actively competing across various levels:

  • Recreation Teams participate in local tournaments.
  • All-Star Teams compete statewide and regionally.
  • Travel Teams face off nationally and internationally.

One of the significant differences between these levels of competition lies in the players’ ability to make quick adjustments and consistently replicate their success. Travel Teams, being the elite, excel in this area.

While these players are not ready for Major League Baseball just yet, the top Travel Team players are undoubtedly on the fast track to the MLB.

From my experience in coaching and scouting, I have observed that top-level high school-age Travel Ball pitchers can repeat their delivery and command their pitches about 40-50% of the time. This consistency is critical because if an opposing hitter cannot replicate their swing 40-50% of the time, they will struggle to compete effectively.

Competition at any level means being equally matched, pushing each other toward excellence. But simply sharing a common trait, such as height, does not equate to equal competition—for example, I am no competition for a 6-foot 2-inch NBA basketball player just because we are the same height.

Therefore, this summer, regardless of the level at which you are competing, take note of what you need to improve for the upcoming year from August to May.

Use the Assessment Phase from August to October to experiment with new techniques, determining what works and what doesn’t. This approach will set the foundation for continued growth and success in the sport.

Embrace the summer season as a time to solidify your skills and prepare for the next chapter. Remember, each phase is a stepping stone toward achieving excellence in baseball.

Why now is the time to embrace your training

Summer baseball from May to July marks a crucial phase for my hitters. This period serves as a time for maintenance and application, allowing players to put a period on another learning phase before transitioning to the Assessment Phase, which runs from August to October.

During the summer, teams are actively competing across various levels:

  • Recreation teams participate in local tournaments
  • All-Star teams compete statewide and regionally
  • Travel teams face off nationally and internationally

One of the significant differences between these levels of competition lies in the players’ ability to make quick adjustments and consistently replicate their success. Travel teams, being the elite, excel in this area. While these players are not ready for Major League Baseball just yet, the top Travel team players are undoubtedly on the fast track to the MLB.

From my experience in coaching and scouting, I have observed that top-level high school-age Travel Ball pitchers can repeat their delivery and command their pitches about 40%-50% of the time. This consistency is critical because if an opposing hitter cannot replicate their swing 40%-50% of the time, they will struggle to compete effectively.

Competition at any level means being equally matched, pushing each other towards excellence. But simply sharing a common trait, such as height, does not equate to equal competition—for example, I am no competition for a 6-foot 2-inch NBA basketball player just because we are the same height.

Therefore, this summer, regardless of the level at which you are competing, take note of what you need to improve for the upcoming year from August to May. Use the Assessment Phase from August to October to experiment with new techniques, determining what works and what doesn’t. This approach will set the foundation for continued growth and success in the sport.

Embrace the summer season as a time to solidify your skills and prepare for the next chapter. Remember, each phase is a stepping stone toward achieving excellence in baseball.

For more information, visit L.E.A.D. Center for Youth today.

If you found this inspiring and thought-provoking, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns, add me on Discord and let’s go deeper.

C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an associate scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 22 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and a track record of success that can work for you.

Why we must continue to change the narrative

While summer is when elite baseball players hit the field for countless games, the teams they choose to play for can make all the difference. Some teams are purely for play, while others ignite a deeper passion within players.

For many, the goal of playing baseball extends beyond just winning games; it’s about securing scholarships, chasing dreams of getting drafted and ultimately making it to the collegiate or professional level.

But for Black American players, the journey often is filled with challenges. Despite their talent and dedication, they face systemic barriers that limit their representation in higher levels of the sport.

As co-founders of LEAD Center For Youth, my wife, Kelli, and I are committed to changing this narrative. Our mission is clear: to use baseball and tennis as tools to equip Black youth with the skills to overcome the curveballs life throws their way—whether it’s crime, poverty or racism.

Baseball has a rich history within the Black community, dating back to the establishment of the Negro Leagues in 1920. These leagues not only showcased incredible talent but also pioneered innovations in the sport, from introducing night games to inventing essential equipment like batting helmets.

Yet, in 2024, we find ourselves still grappling with the question of how to increase Black participation in baseball. While Black boys may be playing the game, they need more than just a team—they need a passion team. That’s where organizations like LEAD come in.

LEAD isn’t just about teaching baseball skills; it’s about instilling a sense of purpose and empowerment in young players. It’s about guiding them from personal success to making a significant impact in their communities as members of the passion team.

Their Play Team is where they are focused on success for themselves, while their Passion Team is a commitment to significance, serving others beyond themselves. We need legions of Black American men in the Major Leagues, and that calls for legions of Black boys competing for Passion Teams at the amateur travel ball levels.

Together, we can transform the game and empower the next generation of Major League Players and Major League Citizens.

For more information, visit L.E.A.D. Center for Youth today.

If you found this inspiring and thought-provoking, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns, add me on Discord and let’s go deeper.

C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an associate scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 22 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and a track record of success that can work for you.

The 3 C’s to following your passion

In my early coaching days, I was hesitant to show my inexperience to parents. But over time, I realized coaching is more than just a buzzword—it’s about guiding players toward their goals, like a pilot steering a plane.

Attending coaching clinics taught me the “what” of coaching, but not the “why.” As flawed humans, our personal struggles can affect our coaching, sometimes unintentionally harming those we mentor.

To stay focused on serving, I follow the 3 C’s: Context, Content, Contest.

  1. Context – Knowing why I coach fuels my passion for development.
  2. Content – Sharing knowledge and skills empowers players to succeed.
  3. Contest – The game tests what players have learned and how they’ve grown.

I recently asked my clients to inquire about their coaches’ goals for improvement:

  • Maximizing Talent – Helping players grow while fostering team unity.
  • Building Relationships – Investing in players beyond the field.
  • Continuous Learning – Staying updated and adapting practices for better results.
  • Elevating Practice Standards – Creating a college-level atmosphere for better preparation.
  • Strengthening Coach-Player Bonds – Being approachable fosters trust and open communication.
  • Fostering Academic Success – Guiding players towards educational opportunities.

As coaches, our journey of growth never ends. It’s about learning from experiences and striving for excellence every day.

For more information, visit L.E.A.D. Center for Youth today.

If you found this inspiring and thought-provoking, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns, add me on Discord and let’s go deeper.

C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an associate scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 22 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and a track record of success that can work for you.