Let’s Talk About Race – Day 21


Why should racism end Mackenzi and Mackenna?

I think racism should end because we are all human beings with flaws. God made us all in his image, so everyone should be equal. I also think racism should end because everyone deserves an equal chance to be something in life, no matter what they look like. They shouldn’t have to worry about being discriminated against because of the color of their skin. And besides, if you read the Bible, everything started in Africa near the Euphrates River, so we are all connected in some way. –Mackenzi Stewart, age 13

Racism should end because I wouldn’t be able to play with some of my friends. Also racism should end because slavery has ended. –Mackenna Stewart, age 7

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 20


Why should racism end John?

1) because there are enough forces unified against ALL OF US from outside our borders for us to allow anything to destroy us from the inside.

2) because it is time people of all races stopped identifying themselves as part of a group and instead celebrated their own individuality.

3) because we live in a country far more diverse than our parents and grandparents grew up in and we should have learned from mistakes made by all sides in the past.

John Kincade

Co-Host of “Buck and Kincade” 12-3pm ETon 680 The Fan in Atlanta weekdays

Host of “John Kincade Show” on CBS Sports Radio 6-10am ET nationally on Sundays

@JohnKincade on Twitter

L.E.A.D. Ambassador Cameron Tucker introducing John Kincade as keynote for Dinner With Champions 2014

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 19


Why should racism end Marcus?

1. It holds back the growth of society as a whole.

2. It causes unnecessary conflict amongst people.

3. It is morally wrong to hate or harm a person especially based purely on the color of their skin.

Marcus Hodge, L.E.A.D. Ambassador c/o 2013, SW Dekalb High School, Southern A&M University

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 18


Why should racism end Ashley?

My friend, CJ,

Three reasons why racism must end:

1. Without racism clouding our view, we will be able to see our different colors for what they are – indicators of perspective and insight, and use this knowledge to evolve our global society in positive ways.

2. Imagine what we as a nation could achieve with our collective minds together unfettered, no one holding or being held back. The creative drive of Americans is astounding; let’s tap its potential.

3. Every human being has the inalienable right to feel safe in her neighborhood, in her car, in her home.

Thank you for asking me to contribute,

Ashley Grice, Leadership Atlanta c/o 2015

Let’s Talk About Race – Day 17


Why should racism end Cedric?

Two reasons racism should not exists today:

Being a minority, I have faced unreasonable discrimination. Racism blocks communities from helping each other which ultimately gives this nation a negative reputation of setting limitations to certain ethic groups. It’s very hard being a black male; I want to surround myself around other ethnic groups, but I always feel a sense of uneasiness because I fear racism will become an issue. Racism demotes a human being, changes their lifestyle and lowers self esteem. I believe we all should be accepted and all expectations should be the same- no matter what the color of someone’s skin.

Cedric Reed, L.E.A.D. Ambassador, New Schools at Carver c/o 2013, Georgia Highlands College
