Principal for a Day

I couldn’t wait to wake up for my day as principal at B.E.S.T. Academy, an all boys middle school in the inner city of Atlanta.
I arrived at 7:30AM and saw 30+ boys on the football field releasing some early energy.  It wasn’t football practice.  Just a friendly game of touch football.
By 7:45, I was greeting several of the more than 400 boys that were getting off the bus.  Some had smiles and some had looks of frustration.  Maybe they didn’t have dinner the night before or had a rough morning.  The world outside of the B.E.S.T. Academy walls presents a lot of challenges for the boys but they are all in a great place this morning.
At 8:30AM, we were in the cafeteria.  Some boys are eating a healthy breakfast while others are still being screened through the medal detectors.  B.E.S.T. is slowly but surely changing the community one student and one family at a time.
Between 9:00AM and 11:30, I visited 4 classrooms.  Mr. Blackmon’s 7th grade language arts class allowed the boys to discuss the struggles between protagonist and antagonist.  Mrs. Babson’s 7th grade language arts class gave all of the boys 10 minutes of soft music as they wrote their thoughts freestyle under dim lights.  They presented their writing so well.  Mr. Diggs’ 6th grade math class was the bomb – as in real loud when problems were solved.  I don’t recall math being that much fun!  My day as principal ended in Mrs. Edwards’ 7th grade science class.  The boys were super engaged and hung on to her every word.  She was so nurturing yet professional.
B.E.S.T. is successful because of the leadership of its principal LaPaul Shelton.  It is a culture that sets high expectations and fosters respect between the teachers and students.  I saw them all at their best today and it wasn’t staged.

I am now more motivated to invest more time and resources for B.E.S.T. as a partner in education.  I care about my city and know you will never lose when you invest in kids.

L.E.A.D. Development P.R.O.C.E.S.S.

L.E.A.D.’s Fall Legacy League Instructional Program is America‘s 1st program that focuses on the professional development of inner city baseball players.  In three years, L.E.A.D. has successfully placed 83% of our Ambassadors in college with scholarships and 100% of our Ambassadors have enrolled in college. 
All of the talent in L.E.A.D. is raw, meaning that they haven’t been coached professionally.  We don’t run away from raw talent because we have a development P.R.O.C.E.S.S. that works.
We PREPARE our Leaders by educating them on the front end about the fundamentals required to convert their raw talent to skills that are attractive to college coaches for scholarship opportunities.
We REINFORCE those fundamentals taught on the field and in the classroom with skill building drills, using a methodology on and off the field with journaling and weekly blogs.
We give OPPORTUNITIES for our Leaders to learn from their mistakes in an instructional game  environment.  If they make a mistake, we recreate the situation and do it again.  Practice makes permanent.
We teach our Leaders how to COMMUNICATE through positive conversations with our coaches instead of negative body language.
We EXPOSE our Leaders to high level competition against top tier teams to test what has been learned.  The games are indeed a test.  We make mistakes on the test but get opportunities in practice to learn and continue the development process.
We teach our Leaders that without STRUGGLE there is never SUCCESS.  Proper development always includes failure.
L.E.A.D. will continue to succeed using this process of development of raw inner city baseball talent.  All we need is for the families to come into the organization willing to develop.

L.E.A.D. Ambassador Gensen Scott Guest Blog

Eight L.E.A.D. Ambassador program graduates started college.  These young men brought the lessons they learned through L.E.A.D. with them and are playing baseball at their respective colleges.  Gensen Scott is a freshman at Shaw University.  He has written a guest blog to talk about how L.E.A.D. has impacted his college career so far.
The L.E.A.D. organization has helped me in so many positive ways! I am currently a college student at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina. L.E.A.D. helped me as a student and personally. They have provided me with the knowledge of correct decision making skills which have truly helped me in college in an environment where I am now responsible for all my actions. As a student, they pushed for excellence in the class room and without grades I would be unable to play this season. Due to the decision making skills and that extra push for academics from L.E.A.D., I am more confident in my studies and class work. They took me from being a livewire ready to explode any second, to teaching me how to be a man with a brain and how to think situations all the way through.
I have been tested many times since beginning college but I applied what I learned from the L.E.A.D. organization and the outcome has come to benefit me in many ways. As a player, the coaching staff of the L.E.A.D. organization is absolutely phenomenal. They have given me the correct fundamentals and knowledge of the game.  Now I can help my new teammates and teach them the right fundamentals. That way we can become better as a team instead of me just being a good individual. I have learned the greatness of team work and being a part of something that’s more than just an organization and a baseball team.  The L.E.A.D. organization is like my family I always feel welcomed and loved when I am in the presence of any member of the L.E.A.D. organization.
I cannot express enough how appreciative I am of Coach CJ and Ms. Kelli for starting an organization to help young men like me.
Gensen Scott #21

Check the menu

I pick at my wife Kelli all the time about how she goes to McDonald’s and it takes her 10 minutes to order from the menu.  The McDonald’s menu has changed some over the years but for over 50 years, it’s basically been the same.  With laughter, I say “please order some food Kelli!”
To her defense, she wants to be sure that she orders exactly what she wants based on her current craving.  You should get what you want but you must also realize that McDonald’s isn’t Burger King where you can “Have it your way!”
L.E.A.D. is no restaurant, but on our menu we offer leadership development, professional baseball development, civic engagement, mentorship and discipline for young men grades 6-12 from the Atlanta Public School System, South Fulton and Dekalb County.
We operate based on the life experiences that allowed me to use baseball to attend GA State University as a student/athlete and later play professionally for the Chicago Cubs.  Now that my playing days are over, I’m a business owner, philanthropist and I love serving others.
I find that the one menu item that parents have issue with from time to time is the discipline of their sons.  I was raised that when you are wrong, it must be dealt with swiftly and firmly.  This is something I’ve carried over to L.E.A.D. and is the way we operate. 
I too was raised in the inner city and I faced challenges everyday as a male.  Learning to make good decisions often comes from making a lot of bad ones previously.  I am not the wisest man on earth but I’m more experienced than the young men that we serve and I’m here for the sole purpose of helping them win the game of life.  Life can deal bad hands and boys play the game differently.  I know because I have been there and have the wisdom that comes from living through it.
It seems that there is a McDonald’s on almost every corner.  You can also bet that there is a Burger King not too far away.  L.E.A.D. has a menu that is well thought out and appreciated by most our customers but we realize that not everyone has a taste for our offerings.  That is what makes this country so great because there is always a Burger King around the corner that will allow you to have it your way.

No headset in the dugout Coach Richt

Listening to football players talk about baseball is hilarious because to them, all you do is just swing the bat, hit the ball and run as fast as you can.  Watching them swing the bat and miss repeatedly is even funnier.
Not sure how many football players I would recruit from the GA Bulldogs, Tech or the Falcons to play baseball but I would love to have their coaches in the dugout with me.
I would like for Coach Richt to assist me with making the L.E.A.D.  Leaders become more of a family on and off the baseball field.  The Bulldog football players may not win every game on Saturday’s but they play hard for each other and leave it all on the field.  They all understand their role realizing that they are a link in the chain and each link must be strong in order for the chain to be strong.  Coach Richt motivates his players to a high level and they believe in him.  I can hear the cheers from my wife who is also a Bulldog fan.  “It’s great to be a GA Bulldog!  I say it’s great to be a GA Bulldog!” I want that same strong sense of pride and family within L.E.A.D.
I would like for Coach Johnson to assist me with the offense of L.E.A.D.  Watching the Yellow Jackets on offense is fun.  They execute plays with great tempo and efficiency.  Smash mouth football at its best.  I believe that the opposing defense at times know what plays that Tech will run but the Yellow Jackets continue to run the ball at the heart of the defense.  This is the attitude that I want my batters to have.  Make your opponent concentrate and containing you because he knows that he can’t stop you.  Buzz!
I would like for Coach Smith to lend his defensive mind to the L.E.A.D. coaching staff.  The Atlanta Falcons play defense with intensity and passion.  Their opponent will score but the Falcons defense won’t quit.  Being a playmaker is what defense is all about.  You have to want the ball to come to you.  Good defense wins games.  Let’s go L.E.A.D.!  Rise Up!
Football is here and L.E.A.D. is also in full gear with competitive high school baseball for inner city teens with our Fall Instructional Baseball Development League.  The Legacy League is America’s 1st Fall Developmental League geared towards inner city teens.  We practice and play games weekly during the fall but nothing and I mean nothing interferes with watching GA Bulldog, GA Tech and Falcons football.  We love baseball but you can’t beat the thrill of football.  I will be watching the coaches on sideline closely and learning from them as I prepare our Leaders on the Diamond.