You are a great American icon

God has truly blessed me. The best blessing is my willingness and ability to serve others.

I grew up reading and hearing about so many men that fought for the rights of others and those men that put service over self.

One of those men is a living icon, Congressmen John Lewis. Mr. Lewis was considered as one of six major leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.  He was the youngest and only surviving member of that group.

Yesterday, I had the honor of hearing him speak at McGuire Woods about his humble upbringing in a rural town of Alabama. Education was his ticket out of poverty. He studied at Fisk University but God had other plans for him. Plans for him to serve others and help our country end segregation.

Left to Right: Russell Mackenzie, D.M. Therrell HS, Jamarcus Willingham, D.M. Therrell HS; Jacob Walker , Sophomore at Sewanee-The University of the South; C.J. Stewart

I feel that service has always been a strong part of my DNA because of my relationship with God, my parents and loved ones and role models like Congressman Lewis.

Our youth today will strive to be the best as long as we as adults set the proper example. Let’s be intentional with our positive impact.

Thank you Congressman Lewis for being a great role model for me. You are a great American icon.