Why you should never Q.U.I.T.

Quitting is a common experience, but understanding why it happens can be complex. The decision to quit something—whether it is a job, a hobby or even a relationship—typically follows a sequence: Why, What, When and How.

This blog explores these stages and offers insights based on personal experiences and professional roles, using the acronym Q.U.I.T. to delve into the core reasons behind quitting.

Q: Questioning the Why

The “Why” is the heart of quitting. In my personal journey, I’ve found that I often quit things because I initially said “yes” to things or people when I should have said “no.” My life’s mission is to be significant, serving millions and bringing them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, beginning with my wife, Kelli, and daughters, Mackenzi and Mackenna. Discovering this mission involved answering four critical questions over 40 days:

  • What do I worry about?
  • What do I cry about?
  • What do I dream about?
  • What brings me unconditional joy?

These questions helped clarify my passions and the pursuits worthy of my dedication, steering me away from paths that could lead to quitting.

U: Understanding the What

The “What” pertains to the specific responsibilities or commitments one is considering quitting. People often leave their jobs or teams because they lack passion for their roles. The Latin root of “passion” implies suffering—signifying a deep, enduring commitment that transcends superficial interests.

I: Identifying the When

Timing can be everything. The “When” involves recognizing the signs that quitting is imminent. These signs can include changes in attitude, habitual tardiness, and missed deadlines. These behaviors signal a disengagement that often precedes the decision to quit.

T: Tackling the How

The “How” you quit is as important as the decision itself. Quitting skillfully can mean the difference between burning bridges and maintaining professional relationships. Whether through a resignation letter, a face-to-face conversation, or other means, how one quits can impact future opportunities—especially if former colleagues are called upon as references.

As co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer of L.E.A.D. Center For Youth and co-owner of Diamond Directors Baseball Player Development, I have embraced roles that align with my life mission. These roles help young Black boys overcome crime, poverty, and racism through baseball—a sport that has also taught me about life’s broader challenges.

Had I pursued careers in real estate or teaching—fields outside my calling—I believe I would have felt compelled to quit.

Quitting isn’t just about stopping something. It’s about aligning one’s life with their deepest values and missions. Baseball, my lifelong passion, not only teaches us how to play but also how to live, offering lessons on when to stay in the game and when it’s time to respectfully and strategically step away.

From personal experience, I have learned the importance of committing only to paths that resonate deeply, thus reducing the likelihood of quitting for the wrong reasons.

Let’s remember, it’s not just about winning the game but also mastering the art of playing it well, including knowing when to walk away.

For more information, visit L.E.A.D. Center for Youth today.

If you found this inspiring and thought-provoking, or if you have any questions, comments or concerns, add me on Discord and let’s go deeper.

C.J. Stewart has built a reputation as one of the leading professional hitting instructors in the country. He is a former professional baseball player in the Chicago Cubs organization and has also served as an associate scout for the Cincinnati Reds. As founder and CEO of Diamond Directors Player Development, C.J. has more than 22 years of player development experience and has built an impressive list of clients, including some of the top young prospects in baseball today. If your desire is to change your game for the better, C.J. Stewart has a proven system of development and a track record of success that can work for you.