Why and how I fight for productivity

I’ve always had high aspirations and standards for myself yet being unproductive looms over me because I’m human. Awareness, accountability and action help me be productive.

When I’m productive, I learn well. When I’m productive, I serve well. When I’m productive, I love well.

We all have blind spots, and the best way to counter being unproductive is to be aware of them. The blind spots that prevent me from being productive are arrogance, stubbornness and failure to actively listen.


Without having people in your life that you can trust, you will never be productive. I keep trusted people around me that will hold me accountable. They often tell me what I don’t want to hear, but I trust them. They want me to be productive because when I am, I can learn well, serve well and love well.

Sometimes I get so focused on being perfect that I fail to get started. Being productive begins with getting started.

What prevents you from being productive?

What serves as a catalyst for your productive behavior?
