Let’s Talk About Race – Day 9


Why should racism end Mike?

Here are a few reasons why racism should end.

During one of his public debates with religious leaders, Jesus was asked to explain what he considered to be the most important commandment. Jesus named two commandments as being above all of the rest; “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus was then asked to explain the meaning of “neighbor.” Jesus did so by telling the parable of the Good Samaritan. A summary of the meaning of the parable is that a person’s heart, not race, is what makes someone our true “neighbor.” The importance Jesus places on a person’s heart, rather than race, in explaining the meaning of the greatest of all commands, is a great reason why racism should end.

Racism is based upon a prideful presumption that one race is in some way superior to another. We learn in the Bible that God hates pride. (See for example Proverbs 8:13.) Racism should end because pride is at the very core of racism.

The greatest enemy to humankind is Satan. Satan is the chief racist in the universe, because he hates the entire human race. When we exhibit racist attitudes, we are actually imitating our greatest enemy. Now, who among us actually thinks that’s a good idea? Racism should end!

Mike Moye
Moye Sports

Mike Moye with L.E.A.D. Ambassadors at Turner Field