By the grace of God, I was raised in a home that believed that Jesus lived the perfect life, died on the cross and was resurrected. As an adult, I continue to believe the Good News because I have experienced Him for myself.
God has granted me life on earth to do three things well while giving Him the glory and I will share them shortly.
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. ~Lewis Carroll
This is one of my favorite quotes because it holds me accountable for living life on purpose.
I’ve been reading Stephen R. Covey’s famous book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and he challenges us all to create a personal mission statement so that we can live life on purpose.
My personal mission statement is to be significant and to serve millions starting with my wife Kelli and daughters Mackenzi and Mackenna.
Be significant
Significance is who you are while success is what you do.
I’ve accomplished a lot of awesome things in my life. As a child I wanted to play professional baseball for the Chicago Cubs and God allowed me to do that. I wanted to also become an entrepreneur every since I heard of the profession while I was a middle school student at Ronald E. McNair. God has also allowed me to do that as well.
I’m significant because I can be trusted to serve my wife, daughters and mankind with excellence like my eternal life depends on it.
Serve my wife and daughters
My wife and daughters are gifts to me from God. I have the daily pleasure of protecting and providing for them so that they may serve each other and others well.
Serve mankind
God has blessed me with two parents that are still alive, healthy and happily married. I have two grandmothers that celebrated their 90th birthdays this past December.
I have two younger sisters, nieces, a nephew, several aunts, uncles and cousins.
My family tree is strong and we are all rooted in God to serve each other and mankind.
I have the daily honor of using the information that I have learned over the years as a baseball player to now develop young boys to become significant men that love God and live on purpose.
Click here to go behind the scenes with Jason Heyward and I. Also checkout our recent L.E.A.D. eMagazine to see how God allows me to lead others.
Glory be to God and Happy Easter to all!