Get 100 in 10

Thirty four years ago, I was born into the world destined to be successful – according to my mom.  Her expectations were high even though funds were low.  My parents needed a strong support system to help with raising me.  That support system was the Atlanta community.

On April 10th, I will be celebrating my 35th birthday. My mom’s formula for success – prayer, hard work, education and respecting others – has gotten me to a place where I can use baseball to serve others and I love every bit of it. This year for my birthday, I’m asking you to join a support system that will impact hundreds of young men in Atlanta.  In 10 days, I’ll celebrate my birthday with family, friends and youth baseball players at Perkerson Park.  I want to make the announcement then that 100 people have pledged to donate at least $10 a month for the next year.  Will you be a part of that pledge and help support your community?
As a kid, I wanted to be a professional baseball player for the Chicago Cubs.  I also wanted to be a successful entrepreneur.  Thanks to the support of my community, my reality has surpassed those dreams.  Today, I am one of the top baseball instructors in the country and owner of Diamond Directors ( I am also the founder of L.E.A.D., Inc., an Atlanta-based non-profit that uses baseball to help inner city middle and high school males access college.  To date, 100% of our L.E.A.D. Ambassadors have graduated from high school and enrolled in college.  87% of our Ambassadors have received baseball scholarships.  We achieve excellence in areas of academics, athletics, service/civic engagement and exposure.
L.E.A.D. offers year-round programs and I need your help in order for us to serve more student-athletes in the Atlanta Public School System.  By donating at least $10 per month for a year, you can help fund the addition of two teams in our 2011 Legacy League, America‘s first fall instructional league that focuses on the development and exposure of inner city baseball talent.  And our goal is not just to help these young men develop baseball skills; we want to address the fact that Georgia’s statewide high school graduation rate for African American males is only 43% and help more young men graduate and succeed.
Be a part of our winning team like countless others did for me when I was younger.  You can visit to set up a recurring donation.   Make your pledge and join me on April 10 at Perkerson Park and help me make the announcement that in 10 days, 100 people pledged to donate $10! This is the Atlanta Way!
