We believe that every young person is entitled to an opportunity to be successful.

Regardless of financial ability, access to transportation, and other barriers, the L.E.A.D. team ensures that each Ambassador is able to pursue their love for baseball. Our multifaceted sport-based youth development programming helps grow our Ambassadors into confident, engaged, and responsible young men who will lead their city of Atlanta and the world.

L.E.A.D. means

Launch, Expose, Advise, Direct

Through the collective generosity of our community, we can continue to L.E.A.D. and change the lives of hundreds of boys who would otherwise not have the opportunity to access many resources needed to be successful.

Help us continue to L.E.A.D. by making a gift today. 

I L.E.A.D. because I believe that it requires intentionality to help young people convert their dreams to reality. 

-C.J. Stewart

Devon joined L.E.A.D. in 2019 and, like many other class of 2020 students, COVID dramatically impacted his final year of high school. 

Devon’s mother lost her job and his family was evicted from their home. L.E.A.D. supported Devon and his family by helping them to move, finding storage for their belongings, and securing temporary housing. 

After high school, L.E.A.D. hired Devon as a coach and continued to support his family by providing meals and additional resources. 

When his coaching journey ended, and through various connections, Devon was able stay employed and learn new skills. Today he is a barber by profession and a vendor of L.E.A.D. as the official barber for the Ambassadors. He is proud to support his family in their new home, grateful for the continued mentorship and sponsorship that L.E.A.D. provides, and grateful for the opportunity he has to poor back into our middle and high school boys.

Expectation + Responsibility + Accountability

This simple formula allows you to both see and feel the transformation in the youth we serve. As a kid, I was the beneficiary of both people and programs with a heart for helping those in need. If it weren’t for those people and programs, I probably wouldn’t be speaking to you today.

I hope you will join me in building Black boys into major-league citizens to lead the world by making a gift to L.E.A.D. today. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

– Dez Thornton

L.E.A.D. Center or Youth

Board Chairman

The Safe At Home Game creates an environment of competition, trust, and respect between two communities who often struggle to find common ground. Safe At Home opens lines of communication and builds connections between L.E.A.D. Ambassadors and local law enforcement. Each year the relationship between L.E.A.D.’s young men and law enforcement has grown stronger due to their participation in this initiative.


“As the coach and mentor of thousands of Black boys in the inner-city of Atlanta, I want them to have a healthy relationship with law enforcement.”  This means we have tough conversations that include the history of policing and allowing space for both sides to share their truths; and of course chop it up a lil’ bit with some fun on the diamond.”

 L.E.A.D. Co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer C.J. Stewart



Parents are the first leaders of their children. At L.E.A.D. Center for Youth, parents are invited and welcomed to be involved in the advancement of their children’s education, civic leadership, and athletics!

The families we serve don’t have the funds to cover costly tutors and expensive athletic fees. At L.E.A.D. all activities, programming, and support are provided at no cost. Donated funds help to cover operating expenses, uniforms, equipment, travel costs, tutors, mentors, counselors, youth experiences, and more.

Support can also be shared by volunteering time, introducing L.E.A.D. to your networks, bringing valuable resources, and more. 

To give an online gift please head to the donation page to make a one-time or recurring gift with a credit/debit card, or via EFT transfer from a bank account.

All gifts by check should be sent to L.E.A.D. Center For Youth at:

680 Murphy Avenue
Suite #4128
Atlanta GA, 30310

To discuss other ways to give please contact Kelli Stewart at kelli.stewart@leadcenterforyouth.org to discuss other ways to support our work. Other giving options include:

Grants – Donor-Advised Funds – Gifts of stock – Planned or Tribute giving – Cryptocurrency – Matching gifts – Pledges